River Meadow Ranch Wagyu are bred for the best characteristics and are carrier free.
We strive to pass the favorable genetic traits on to your herds.

RCC Shigefuku 059 (FB23855)
is sired by the original Shigefuku, the highest content Kedaka bull ever to leave Japan. Shigefuku himself did not leave Japan; only a small amount of semen made the voyage. Shigefuku is a son of Dai 20 Hirashige 287 and is a half-brother to the greatest bull in Japan, Hirashigekatsu. Hirashigekatsu is producing heavy carcasses with extreme marbling. At the 2007 all Japan Zenkyo competition, six of the top ten bulls were sired by Hirashigekatsu.
RCC Shigefuku 059s Dam, Sanshiga, is our top flush cow and top income-producing cow. She has produced 39 fertilized embryos for us in one flush and consistently flushes double digits. She is a high Tajima cow, weighing by scale 1500 pounds. Sanshiga has every notable sire in her pedigree: Sanjirou, Shigeshigetani, Haruki II, Michifuku, JVP Fukutsuru 068, and she has the greatest cow ever to leave Japan, Suzutani, on both sides of her pedigree and another great Dam of the breed, Okutani, as well.

C Free’s Michifuku CFF414 (FB18512)
C Free’s Michifuku CFF102-CFF414, exactly what breeders are looking for to increase marbling in their cattle herd. CFF414 score an 8 on tenderness, “AA” in SCD, tested free of all genetic defects, and has a 4% inbreeding coefficient. CFF414 is Siring offspring’s with high marbling and tenderness; FB27014, FB27957, & FB27958. Sired by C Free’s TopShelf FB13433 ultrasound scan showed Ribeye Area of 12.3, IMF:03.61, making him a large frame, heavy muscle bull. C Free’s TopShelf FB13433 has produced other exceptional offspring’s; good milking abilities, heavy muscle balanced calves with high tenderness and “AA” SCD scores. CFF414 Maternal side has power house Yasufuku known for thick shoulders, large loin size, and high yield rate. Itomichi FB2126 and Hirashigetayasu FB670 known for balanced, strong growth, with enhanced marbling characteristics. CFF414 Dam Yasumichi FB10021 is a medium frame cow with outstanding marbling markers, a tenderness of 7, “AA” SCD, and IMF: 4.40 on ultrasound scan.